Friday, January 13, 2017

New To Competitive Tennis

Kristianne Bontempo | Towpath Tennis Contributor

You may last wondering why there's a abrupt shift of excitement inward the air at your club, why players are talking USTA teams, partners too uniforms, too of course of pedagogy wondering, "why am I non involved?" The skillful intelligence almost natural springtime flavour beingness upon us so fast, is that it gets us thinking almost whether we're ready to moisture our toes inward competitive tennis, because earlier nosotros know it the 'king' of USTA seasons (summer) volition last hither too trust me, you're non going to desire to fille whatsoever infinitesimal of it!

Towpath's 3.0 twoscore & Over team.
In illustration yous demand a lilliputian background, the United States of America of America Tennis Association (USTA) is the most notable lawn tennis arrangement inward the province for players that desire to play competitive tennis. It's a long-tested, well-run, rule-implemented construction that players (not all the time, but most of the time) relish next so they tin sack leave of absence too play a fun, fair too competitive game of tennis. The USTA primarily follows the full general rules of tennis, amongst many of it's ain amendments for dissimilar scenarios too regions some the country. The summertime flavour has gained the most notoriety because that's when most players are gratuitous to play hence why at that spot are to a greater extent than teams. Plus, overnice atmospheric condition makes people desire to leave of absence too DO something! 

But here's where things come upwards to a stop for most newbies. The hype of the novel flavour commonly gives way to the fearfulness of what the give-and-take competition truly agency amongst players shout out for themselves, "Am I ready for this?" The curt respond is yes. The long respond is yes, yous ARE ready! And inward illustration yous don't believe me, here's the 'unofficial' pre-requisite to playing on a USTA team:
  • Can yous serve? 
    3.5 Men's squad finishing a match.
  • Can yous somewhat concord a rally?
  • Do yous know how to score?
  • Do yous desire to practise land having fun?
  • Do yous desire something to do inward your spare time?
  • Can yous play good amongst others (aka-not last a jerk on the court)?
  • Do yous desire to instruct improve at lawn tennis fast?
  • Do yous desire to encounter novel players too exam your skills?
  • Do yous desire to brand friends?
  • Do yous similar drama? (J/k! Contrary to mutual belief, non ALL teams are drama-filled.)
And to respond some of your lingering questions:  Yes, yous tin sack play at whatsoever age. Yes, yous mightiness instruct double bageled (lose 6-0, 6-0), too yes, yous just might bring a lilliputian flake of fun. Honestly, the best way for newbies to become into the USTA is to trammel inward amongst an opened upwards heed too a positive attitude--corny but true. Even at the 4.0 level, I all the same become inward amongst this mantra. I mightiness non win every match, but I'm going to do my best to come upwards off the courtroom laughing.

One of Towpath's many Mixed Doubles teams.
So, whether you're completely novel to the scene or resurrecting your game, I highly recommend giving USTA play a shot. Even if yous don't shout out upwards your game is 'competition ready' (whatever that means), endeavor to await at this sense every bit a way to encounter novel players, gain some confidence too add together value to your game. 

Your adjacent pace is to verbalise amongst our desk staff, 1 of our pros or 1 of your lawn tennis buddies too inquire how to instruct involved, -OR- come upwards downward to lookout adult man 1 of our many natural springtime combo/mixed teams over the weekend to instruct a gustation of what the contest is truly like. You mightiness last so enticed to commit for a squad correct too so too there, because nosotros guarantee it won't last long earlier yous bring together inward on the fun!

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